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Clubs and Organizations

The College encourages participation in student organizations and activities. Students are encouraged to express their views on matters of interest to the student body through participation in a variety of standing organizations and may also seek to form new clubs. Recognized clubs are student-led with the assistance of a College advisor. They are as active as the students who lead and participate in them. For a list of clubs and guidelines, visit the Student Activities page (reference Student Activities Policy 601-01-00BP).

Students who participate in student organizations report a higher level of satisfaction with their college experience. Clubs and organizations at Isothermal Community College demonstrate interest and cultivate awareness in many areas, such as culture, student writing, various professions, and special interests. Students interested in establishing a new organization should visit the Student Activities Office in room 16 of the Student Center to make the idea a reality.

Intramural Sports

Intramural sports give students an opportunity to engage in various types of physical activity. They are generally offered through open gym Monday-Thursday during the fall and spring semesters.

Student Government Association (SGA)

All curriculum students are members of the SGA, which promotes student interests, improves facilities, plans functions, and assists other student organizations.

The SGA at Isothermal Community College seeks to serve as a voice for Isothermal students. This body of elected students strives to promote the interests of the student enrolled, plan activities for students, improve facilities used by students, promote student leadership development, and sponsor important student learning opportunities and activities such as Constitution Day, voter registration, and blood drives. To find out more information about SGA, contact the student activities coordinator in room 16 of the Student Center or visit the SGA webpage.