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Office of Accessibility

Isothermal Community College is committed to providing equal access to education for persons with disabilities. To learn more about academic accommodations, it is your responsibility to make your disability known and to request accommodations with the Counselor and Student Advocacy Coordinator. Requests should be made in a timely manner, preferably thirty days prior to registration. Every reasonable effort will be made to provide services.

To establish your eligibility for services, documentation of a disability is required of all students who request accommodations. Documentation must be provided by an appropriately licensed/certified professional and must be sufficiently complete to establish your status as a person with a disability as well as establish the need for any requested accommodations. The age of acceptable documentation is dependent upon the disabling condition, your current status, and your specific request for accommodations. Necessary documentation to request accommodations/services, in gen­eral, should include the following:

  1. Identification of the nature and extent of the disability, including diagnosis

  2. Specific information on the functional limitation as related to the academic environment

  3. Description of the current course of treatment, including medical side effects

  4. The prognosis for the disability

  5. Recommended reasonable accommodations

An Individualized Education Plan (IEP) may help to identify services that have been effective for the student but will not be considered acceptable documentation of a disability. All documentation and records provided will be maintained in a confidential manner as outlined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.

For information about accessibility services, contact the counselor and student advocacy coordinator in the Advising and Success Center, which is located in room 32 of the Student Center, or call 828-395-1436.